Our Work

Accelerating India’s Growth to Improve Lives

FED aims to facilitate sustained & broad-based economic growth of over 10%, to improve the lives of all Indians.

We identify high-impact growth opportunities in areas like labor-intensive exports, housing, etc., and work with the government on creating a value chain of reform

Our Focus Areas

Opportunities for Fast & Sustained Growth


India should capitalise on Its low-skilled labour pool to drive export-led growth


Construction in India has the potential to create 1.5 crore productive jobs


Tourism employs 3.2 crore people & has the potential to absorb more workers

CategoriesElectronics Focus Areas

Banmali Agrawala On India’s Electronics Manufacturing Opportunity | Ep 2 | FED Dialogues

India is stepping up its ambitions of gaining global market share in labour-intensive manufacturing. The success we have seen in…

CategoriesFED Updates Focus Areas

FED Dialogues Ep 1: With Dr. Arvind Panagariya

Evidence tells us, unequivocally, that sustained economic growth is the best bet for poverty alleviation. But scepticism about growth remains embedded…

CategoriesFocus Areas Ideas for Growth

Worker Housing: Enabler for Large Scale Manufacturing

The Indian government aims to achieve USD 2 trillion total export by 2030, one trillion each in merchandise and services[1].…

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News & Updates

The prices of edible oils in the international market are again on the rise as key producing countries grapple with climate events that are depleting their production. On how India, the world's largest importer of edible oils, must tackle this situation, Pallavi Agrawal, Team Lead at FED says, "We must continue to reduce artificial restrictions that prevent us from trading competitively. Addressing infrastructure challenges is another priority. High electricity tariffs for oil refining, limitations on land leasing, and high import duties on processing equipment hinder industry growth." Story in Economic Times.
On the government's policies regarding agricultural exports, Pallavi Agrawal, Team Lead at Foundation for Economic Development says, "It's not that we're not producing enough, but that government warehouses aren't being filled. If farmers are willing to sell it to others and not the government, assuming they have the option to sell it to the government, then they must be receiving better offers from private players," suggesting that government procurement policies may need a review. Story in Economic Times.
"We think a target on economic growth is exactly the right challenge for a state like UP to take on, since sustainable improvements in living standards will come only from economic growth. Given the legacy of low growth, UP also needs a sense of urgency, and this bold commitment provides that," FED Founder-Director Rahul Ahluwalia told Indivjal Dhasmana of Business Standard.